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The Seattle Collegian

Mundanity and Mania: A Day in the Life of SCC Security

Spend one quarter at Seattle Central and you’re guaranteed to see something strange. The most dramatic stories revolve around shifty people bringing concealed weapons onto campus. The usual addict shooting up in the bathroom or individual masturbating in the library no longer warrant a gasp – you’ll soon discover that…

Ellen Forney on How to be “Rock Steady”

Ellen Forney, author of the one-of-a-kind graphic novels Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo and Me; Monkey Food (Eisner-nominated); I Love Led Zeppelin (Eisner-nominated) and Lust: Kinky Online Personal Ads. Forney, who wrote for decades for the Stranger, received The Stranger Genius Award in Literature in 2012 for her work. She releases her newest graphic novel Rock Steady: Brilliant Advice…

We’re Hiring!

The Seattle Collegian is in need of five Editorial Board members for the 2018-2019 academic year. We are seeking individuals who believe in the importance of a free press and who are dedicated to carrying on Seattle Central’s tradition of student journalism. Previous journalism experience is not required. Editors work…

Superhero Academy Showcases Design Students’ Talent

Seattle Central Graphic Design students Jules Naujoks, Cole Williams and Mara Stokke have created a temporary museum exploring superheroes in society on the fifth floor of the Broadway Edison Building. The interactive exhibit is free to explore now through May 8. Superhero Academy is “a history lesson pretending to be…

May Day was Fun, Now Let’s Get Back to Business as Usual

Yesterday huge groups of Seattleites got out there in support of immigrant’s human rights and the protection of employees, especially those from underrepresented and vulnerable populations. Businesses boarded up and clamped down on their doors early in fear of minor property damage. Perhaps due to the legacy of WTO, Seattle…

ASC Update: Application Due Date Extended for Next Year’s Positions

The Associated Student Council has extended their application deadline for the 2018 – 2019 academic year allowing potential applicants two more weeks to turn materials in. Last year, there were twelve candidates for the six ASC positions. In an attempt to draw more applicants links to online applications as well…

This Year’s May Day to Expose Immigration Injustices in Washington

This Tuesday marks the 19th annual May Day March in Seattle, organized by two local activist groups El Comité and the May 1st Action Coalition. The protest, which is held on International Workers’ Day, is a public manifestation of support for immigrant and workers’ rights. With thousands of people expected…

President of Seattle Central’s Phi Theta Kappa Recognized for his Commitment

Tomas Chatila, the president of Phi Theta Kappa at SCC, has received the International Distinguished Chapter Officer Hallmark Award at Phi Theta Kappa’s International Convention Conference, which was held in Kansas City,  MO on April 20, 2018. The criteria for receiving this award is solely based on the recipients’ demonstration…