Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is hiring 6 new officers to serve the organization for the next academic year. The positions available are president, vice president, communication coordinator, project coordinator, secretary and outreach coordinator. In order to be eligible to apply students must be members of PTK, which currently costs $75 for a lifetime membership.
PTK is an international honor society of two-year colleges and academic programs, particularly state colleges and community colleges. They provide leadership and volunteer opportunities, in addition to scholarships. Students interested in transferring to four year universities can also benefit from their college application workshops.
The deadline for applying for these positions is Friday, May 11. Those who are interested can pick up the applications in front of Nada Oakley’s office in BE4106B.

An example of PTK’s role in Seattle Central’s community includes the Mother’s Day gifts sold in the Broadway Edison lobby from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on May 7 and 8. In celebration of the approaching holiday, PTK members made and sold goods including cards, books, flowers, wallets, pillows and key chains at discounted prices, ranging from $2 to $15. All of the money raised will be donated to the Seattle Foundation PTK Scholarship. This event demonstrates how PTK provides students with opportunities to grow while giving back to the community.
“Many faculty and staff are very supportive. Our group intends to remind Mother’s Day is approaching,” said Jie Shan, PTK’s current project coordinator. She continues,”Our fundraising subcommittee was working hard on the cards and tabling. There are many people stop by and told us the table looks beautiful. I appreciate their thoughtfulness and I realize the best gift is a phone call to your mom.”
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