More than 50 people filled conference room A on Thursday at noon. Opening and hosting the discussion was Clarence Moriwaki, who boasts many titles such as founder of the Japanese Exclusion Memorial, and former aide to U.S. President Bill Clinton. Moriwaki began the COSI talk with a brief history of…
Posts published by “Michael Hope”
The Invisible Symptoms of Coronavirus At first, they were a short burst of heavy coughing. Eventually, it became difficult to breathe. And then the fever set in. On Sunday, January 19th, the first patient in the U.S. (a resident of Snohomish County) to contract 2019-nCoV, or coronavirus, was officially diagnosed.…
While every student eventually reaches a point where their workload intensifies, STEM and engineering students, in particular, experience this to an extreme degree. Not only is the workload to blame, but there is also a perceived commensurately greater inability to cope, as well as an inability to find help. So,…
It was January 23rd as the clock turned 11:46 A.M. that a young woman darted around Seattle Central Library’s Room A, meticulously arranging the lecturn area. Kimberly Malone, the COSI (Conversations on Social Issues) coordinator, had prepared everything just so, 14 minutes ahead of schedule for the Peace and Labor…
No one who performs a Google search pays for it directly, but they do pay.
While the polls began closing on November 5th, many of Washington’s voters drove home with what may have been an ephemeral smile. Tim Eyman, a prolific individual in Washington politics, was up to bat yet again, after two decades of many unsuccessful attempts to shut the tax collector’s handbag. This…
The November air was crisp and sharp, qualities which emboldened the contrast to the welcome inside. Unassuming doors opened to the broad expanse of the BE1110 event hall. At five minutes until 6 P.M., people were lining the walls of the annual Trans Day of Remembrance, hastily setting up elaborate…