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Week in review

Climate chaos…

Oh Pacific Northwest fall…how we love you so. The chilly evenings, the morning mist the perpetual showers and the unending task of finding the right amount of layers to wear at any given time. The season is ripe for sweaty afternoons sandwiched by morning and evening chills, and your feet just never being dry. Central is no stranger to these temperature fluctuations, especially since many of our buildings are older and weren’t apparently designed to deal with weather changes, or…rain. In these buildings, are equally decrepit HVAC systems that can not possibly keep up with the hot and cold flashes our November bodies are experiencing. But have no fear! The sustainability center has a handy list of tips for us to counteract Central’s heating and cooling woes.

1. Wear several layers of clothing to work that can easily be put on and taken off

2. Consider leaving a heavy sweater at work for those days you just can’t get warm enough

3. Wear heavy socks

4. Drink warm beverages and eat warm food

5. Get up and walk around to increase blood flow

In 2018 Central spent $983,343 on electricity, $115,443 on natural gas and I guess there is some sort of early 1920’s engine in the building’s bowels, because $384,556 on…steam. So, be sure to walk around a bunch while eating ramen from the cafeteria that may or may not be open while squishing thick wool socks inside your Vans and layer up on those Balenciaga hoodies, you never know how many you will need…cause that will probably solve the sustainability issue on campus much more than adequate capital funding from the state any day.

Keep calm and get the ball to Ruidíaz

Unless you have literally been in Toronto this past week, you probably heard that the Seattle Sounders FC won the freakin’ MLS CUP. Well, I guess you probably heard about it in Toronto as well. In the 3-1 win, the Sounders cemented themselves at the top of the MLS pile. It’s been a wild season for both the players and fans throughout the #AUnitedFront controversy and a myriad of early season injuries leaving some key players routinely on the side lines. But on Sunday, November 10th, the boys clinched the Cup in front of a record number of fans—69,274 to be exact. Kelvin Leerdam was the first to score in the 57th minute, with the indomitable Víctor Rodríguez in the 76th. The clincher came from everyone’s favorite Peruvian Raúl Ruidíaz in the second-half stoppage time. The rarely accomplished full stadium tifo and mosaic was created by the die-hard fans, the Emerald City Supporters. Their hard work and dedication were rewarded with post-game Cup celebrations from many of the starting XI and Coach himself—there was an unfortunate moment where some musician also touched the Cup but an immediate idea on his identity was not known. All in all, a huge win for the boys, and for the fans that supported them throughout the season.

A win against Big Brother

Back in August, incoming Harvard Freshman Ismail B. Ajjawi was stopped at Logan Airport and required to produce his phone and laptop for inspection before he was allowed entry into the country. Ajjawi is a young Palestinian and he already had been approved for a visa to study in the United States. Immigration officials searched his phone and computer and said they had found “people posting political points of view that oppose the US” on his friends list. He was deported and had to begin a lengthy and harrowing process to eventually gain entry back into the US to study. Well, now, thanks to a court battle fought by the ACLU, that practice just got a little bit harder. On Tuesday the 12th, a federal court in Boston ruled that the government must have a reasonable amount of suspicion to require you to hand over any and all electronics as you attempt to gain entry into the US. Gone are the days where they can simply ask based on whatever mood they happen to be in that day, or month, or lifetime. “Border officers must now demonstrate individualized suspicion of contraband before they can search a traveler’s device.” according to the ACLU. Which, will hopefully decrease the amount of totally unwarranted and suspicion-less searches down to…0 from the 33,000 searches conducted last year at points of entry.

30 mins for holding

Seattle Police Department Captain, Randal Woolery, was arrested on Thursday morning for the charge of “Sexual Exploitation”, also known as “Patronizing a Prostitute”. Which since the City of Seattle has not recognized the need to decriminalize sex work and treat it like any other job, is a crime. But, not a big crime, because Woolery, who was only referred to as “an employee” (we are pretty sure being a Captain is like, a bigger deal than the guy who gets coffee, but who’s keeping track?) was booked into the King County Jail and released 30 minutes later. According to the Seattle Times, there was no complaint immediately filed by the Seattle City Attorney’s Office. Our complaint would have been that if SPD is going to catch one of their own guys in a vice operation in the North End who happens to be the captain of the police department’s Force Review Unit and a 31 year veteran of the force…could they have found someone with a funnier name. Something with a better pun perhaps – we tried for a while with “wool over the eyes” or “randy Randal” but came up empty. It’s not fair. Next time, throw us a bone(r).

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