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Seattle Central to begin one card entry system

This year Seattle Central will be implementing a mandatory key code system for all entrances of their buildings, with the exception of the 1701 Broadway doors closest to the Security Office and Buzz Cafe. The process has already begun at the Maritime and Tech buildings, with Broadway Edison still an unknown time from being prepared for this system. 

As previously discussed in our article,, campus security has been a topic of conversation among students and staff for the last few years. The environment our community resides in is rapidly changing, thus rationalizing swift change by the powers that be. 

Final dates are still being discussed, as the card launch will require considerations in regard to permission levels throughout the college. This is connected to the vastness of such a large system, and the amount of labor tied to that in tandem with the challenge of implementing the card to a body that has never used a key card system.

The school has seen the University of Washington begin this process and plans to mirror the UW’s key card process. Unlike UW, Seattle Central will only permiss student ID and not ORCA card access. 

According to Sean Chesterfield, Director of Campus Safety at Seattle Central, the goal is “not to make a Fort Knox situation,” with the goal being centered around the safety of students and faculty. The “urban environment” that Chesterfield describes SCC campus being in agates the need for a key access procedure to be installed. 

In regards to timeline Chesterfield stresses the goal for a “seamless changeover for faculty and students,” and this process may require some patience. No official timeline has been announced. The Collegian will post updates regarding the keys as more details are released.

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