By Luis Burgess

SuHtlle Community College will move forward with Dr. Ed K. Erickson as the major architect. He has built homes for his, family: now he is dedicated to the task of building this college.
Dr. Erickson, president of Seattle Community College, arrives at his ‘”college-building” job at 6:30 a.m. to start the long day. His offices are at 550 Mercer. City Business Center, Room 109.
He lives with his wife and three children in their Bellevue home. He built his home in West Seattle while attending the University of Washington. He also built a home in Ellensburg, and when he is able to find the time he makes furniture in his extensive workshop in his home.
He has built his educational career to prepare himself for leadership in community college and vocational education by gaining a bachelor of arts degree from Washington State University in 1940 and later a bachelor of education degree there in 1946.
He received his master of arts degree in education from W.S.U. in 1948 and earned his doctorate in community college administration from the same school in 1964.
Dr. Erickson spoke of the need for community colleges and vocational schools. He said, “I went back after getting my master’s degree. I was in college administration then I recognized a real need for community college and vocational schools.”
The new president is a native of Trail, Minn., and attended schools at Preston, Wash., and was graduated from Issaquah High School. Until 1952, he held administrative positions at highschool
level in Issaquah, Tacoma and Clover Park.
Fourteen years ago, he and his family moved to Ellensburg where he was superintendent of schools for six years and director of campus planning and development for Central Washington State College for eight years. For the past two years, Dr. Erickson has been associate professor of school administration at CWSC.
Dr. Erickson feels it is vital to “hire the best possible facuty and administrators.” Showing his architectural interest in the building program, he said, “I am leaving in November to visit community colleges all over the country just to get ideas that will be flexible and adaptable to changing needs.” He believes that one unit of the building program will be available for use in 1969.
He spoke of the adequate facilities the school will have in the future for student meetings, activities and sports. He said, “We want each campus to have considerable identity – even its
own rivalry – each having up to 5000 on campus.”
As to sports. Dr. Ericksqn said, “We will eventually have a complete sports program, both intra-mural and inter-scholastic. There is a right time for sports in every person’s life.”
Dr. Erickson’s participation in sports at this time is limited to hunting and fishing. He has a 19-1/2 foot Thompson lapstrake boat which he has taken to Westport for fishing. He also water skiis. Asked if he skied on one ski, he said, “What else?”
The manner and ease with which he spoke strongly indicated that this was a man who knew which direction both he and the school are heading.
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