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Posts published by “Lena Mercer”

Can food service workers climb out of the dishpit in the wake of COVID19?

Late on March 15 2020, Governor Jay Inslee released a new mandate on COVID-19 precautions. Bars were to close, restaurants would go to take-out service only and gatherings of over 50 people were banned. In King county, the effect took hold immediately and the rest of the state would wake…

Continuing Education classes remain on campus despite closures

Continuing Education classes on the Seattle Central Campus will finish out this week despite moving to mandatory on-line modalities for credited classes. Seattle Central offers a wide array of non-credit classes designed for working and older students. The classes are paid in full by the students and do not qualify…

Week in review 2/29/2020

There is more than one germ to cause a panic… If you hadn’t heard, there is a possible infectious disease outbreak in the Pacific Northwest. Mainly affecting your respiratory system, this bacteria has been known to spread quickly and kill many. I am talking about Tuberculosis, obviously, and thanks to…

Week in review

Quarantine… Earlier this week it was announced that the Washington State Patrol Fire Training Academy was chosen as a quarantine site for those entering the Seattle area from the Hubei Province in China. The quarantine is a mandatory 14 days if you are not showing symptoms. If you are, then…

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