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ASC Update: Changes to Student Leadership on the Horizon

As the Seattle Colleges move towards working as a unified district a College Integration Program has been proposed to merge the student governments in the three colleges. This process will involve modifying the constitutions and by-laws of the student governments so that each Associate Student Council (ASC) will function in the same way.

Although each ASC would still have their own student government, a unified Associated Student Council would make collaborative work between the colleges easier. Working as a district would simplify the process of moving a successful program from one of the colleges to the other colleges. For example Seattle Central College might be able to implement programs and resources such as South Seattle College’s Food Pantry.

Last week, the ASC pitched the idea of a website for the unified student governments to the Chancellor’s Office. If created, this website would allow for ASC administrative work to be shared between the three student governments. Rebecca Hansen, the Senior Executive Assistant to the Chancellor and Board of Trustees, believes that ASC’s limited budget will make it difficult to get the website’s construction approved. Further challenges to unifying the student governments stem from differences in their constitutions and by-laws which still have to be modified for the three governments to work as one unit, making the goal of a unified Seattle Colleges ASC a difficult one to reach.

In other news, Student Leadership is recruiting new members for the 2018 – 2019 academic year. To present information and guide students through their application process, each board from Student Leadership will have a table at the Broadway Edison Building from 11:00AM to 1:00PM throughout next week. Students leaders plan to approach new students on campus directly during their tabling. Paper applications, flyers, and candies as well as music will be provided.

ASC’s meeting is held on every Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Student Leadership Building’s Conference Room (across from campus and above the bookstore). The meeting is open to the public at Seattle Central College.

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