By Uknown
Keith Logdahl. a student in S.C.C.s food department at Edison, will spend the next .school year learning the art of fine cookery In England. He was chosen to receive one of m awards throughout the world by Rotary International.
Logdahl. a graduate of Lincoln High School, will leave next summer or in September for the North Staffordshire College of Technology, southwest of Liverpool, England. The award, equivalent of about $3,000, will include transportation, tuition, books and living expenses for one year of study. He will be expected to promote international understanding while in England and do the same when he returns here.
The district covered by the Rotary International in selection for the award included all of Western Washington and part of British Columbia.
Logdahl was chosen from’ six candidates, all from Edison. Logdahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mauritz C. Logdahl, 4012 Densmore Ave. N., attends classes in the morning and works an eight hour shift beginning at 3 o’clock in the afternoon as a “third cook” at the Swedish Club. He has been attending Edison for two years.
Seattle Community College is one of the schools eligible for this program where a regular college is
not. One of the requirements for the award is that Logdahl goes to another country to study.
Logdahl plans to complement his cooking classes with management courses to perhaps own his own restaurant someday.
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